If you, or someone you know is currently going through a life-quake event. You are lucky -- because YOU have stumbled upon the SECRET to accelerating a current life-quake "pivot" -- that will take your life from "mayhem to moxie" in JUST a few sessions with me, rather than YEARS.
Did you KNOW??
"The average person experiences 3 to 5
MAJOR traumatic events during their lifetime,
in the form of a life-quake. Almost NO ONE is ready for them when they happen."
The key to re-opening the doors to a new life during a life-quake recovery -- is having a clear and present road-map on how to get you from HERE to THERE.
Because when major "life-quake" events happen... we get caught off-guard at HOW TOUGH THEY ARE on all aspects of our life, and how LONG THEY TAKE to fully recover from, and find our center again.
If you have been through one before -- you know exactly what I'm referring to.
A situation that will literally knock you to your knees emotionally, energetically, physically and is rough on relationships. Not to mention ALL THE STRESS that you are dealing with, that can, and will make you sick. Or cause depression. Or anxiety attacks. It's the life-quake pile-up's that can lead to confusion, feeling lost, depressed, emotional shutdown and more.
Honestly, a person with a healthy outlook on life and a few resilience skills can usually tough-out the first life-quake when it happens. Maybe power through a second one as time goes on. But the recovery is slow... and can take years. And they take their toll on your life in so many ways that you have not been aware of.
"... it gets really TOUGH when you have, what I call -- LIFE-QUAKE "pile-up's", where multiple life-quake events happen on top of each other!"
Life-Quake Sessions Founder - Skip Lackey
And if a single life-quake event is hard to get over -- It REALLY becomes difficult when you are in the middle of a current life-quake -- and you get hit with a 2nd, 3rd, or even a 4th life-quake event that creates a huge PILE-UP of major life-altering situations in the messy middle of your current recovery.
ONE is difficult enough. Imagine dealing with 2, 3 or even 4 at the same time -- It's devastating!
I know... because I have experienced the aftershocks and devastation of a pile-up... not just once... but THREE times.
Yes, three times. Aren't I lucky?!? ;-)
And, in all honesty, my recoveries from
MY previous pain can be YOUR gain!!
Because I have figured out exactly how to move through a life-quake recovery and get a life back on track. And do it quickly... out of sheer necessity!! And I can help you make a huge leap in your healing in just 3 to 6 private sessions with me. And I've put it into a system/model that is FAST, repeatable, and lasts.
Here is an Overview of the Accelerated
Life-Quake Recovery Session Offer that I will be sharing at the bottom of this page:
The Process starts with YOUR decision and commitment to RECOVER with me.
Next: A PRIVATE Discovery & Design session with you and I to map out a plan.
We will learn about the Touchstone, a 16-point model I have developed after 40 years of experience in personal growth for enhanced human development and to find out where you currently are at on your own map.
I will help you Discover your Enneagram Personality Type and Take the A.C.E. Test for clarity.
Next: Dive in deep with 3 - Private Three-hour Immersive Life-Quake Recovery Sessions on Zoom with me, spread out over just a few weeks for recovery momentum.
Follow up integration Check-in calls after each call and development of a regular resilience routine.
Develop your Follow-Up plan.
I GUARANTEE results with EVERY Client I serve! If after the first discovery and design session, you are not fully convinced this is your solution. I will refund your money, no questions asked.
If you are like me... Maybe you WOKE UP one day saying...
"Wow... is THIS my life?? How the hell did I get HERE?? THIS was not what I dreamed my life would look like when I was younger?!?! What the hell happened???"
It happened to me. Where the dreams of what life "could be" and "should be" collided with the truth of the moment. And it wasn't very pretty. It was a big wake-up call for me when I had what I call a "life-quake pile-up". When multiple major life-quake events happen one-on-top-of-the-other!
Honestly, when it happened to me in my 20's it took me years to recover. And again in my 30's,
I stayed stuck in the pain for years
and didn't even realize it.
It had an effect on all parts of my life.
And even though I had a tool-kit of skills to use -- I was so stuck, I found myself in a total fog, barely getting by day after day, just putting one foot in front of the other to get through another sunrise to sunset. I was still really productive and I hid it really well. On the outside... no one would really notice. But I knew what I was feeling inside. I was overwhelmed.
UNTIL... I woke up one day and said... Enough!!
-- Which brings us to TODAY --
And the HERE and NOW!
Have YOU hit the phase where you have had ENOUGH?
It's just a little jump from not yet... to saying...
"yes, NOW -- I'm DONE & READY!"
When you think about it, if a person has an average of 4 to 6 major life-quakes during their lifetime, and they each last an average of say... 5 years ---
That is potentially 25+ years of your life where you are in a MAJOR life-transition.
-- 25 PLUS Years! --
And that is NOT even including the 3-dozen (36) MINOR life-disruptors that will happen either. Things like graduations, relationships, marriages, family moves, job changes, birth of a child, fender benders, accidents, becoming an empty-nester, retirement, minor health issues and so on.
With 36 minor-disruptors spread out over a lifetime that means you are going though a minor transition approximately every 12 to 18 months on TOP of the MAJOR LIFE-QUAKE events that will happen.
That is a LOT of change and a LOT of transition over a lifetime.
One thing in life that you can always count on is that over time -- things will CHANGE.
Sometimes change is for the better. And sometimes change is for the worse.
Are you prepared to face those major transitions? And what is it costing you to stay stuck where you are.
-- it's not IF a life-quake is going to happen to you...
It's WHEN a life-quakes happens to you...
They are inevitable... so be prepared!" --
Ask yourself -- Will I be ready to "bounce" instead of taking it with a great big... "THUD"?
A first step is cultivating ways to get real with ourselves. Take a "life-leap" WORTH spending time, energy and money on.
One that has a tangible ROI (Return On Investment) for years to come.
Transitions are COMING.
Are you prepared??
...THIS is where my Life-Quake Recovery Method and the Private Sessions come In...
Here is what is on offer ---
There is a limited opportunity to work directly with me - ONE-on-ONE -- in Immersive Private Sessions with a session offer that I put together below that is really too good to pass up if you are dealing with a life-quake. I only take on between 5 to 6 NEW clients a month. So my time is limited.
But there is the catch --
People have good intentions to do their personal work... but the truth is... very few people actually want to DO THE WORK to get the results. They would rather stay on the path of postponement and just let the years go by until they return to their path, whatever that is going to be, as time grinds on.
I'm not interested in working with those that are not ready for change. And I find that less than 8% of people will actually read through this page, take action, book the session, even a FREE ONE, do the work and follow through on this type of coaching -- and I lovingly refer to those people as "the crazy 1%". And I LOVE those peeps. I really do. They are who I live to work with.
So, my question for you is... are you part of the 99% majority on the path of postponement and perpetual pain. OR... part of the 1% willing to actually take action, invest in themselves and get results and start to live life again on YOUR terms?
Because if you are not an action taker... and none of this resonates with you and you want to go your own way and do it on your own... that's totally fine. No harm - no foul.
I wish you all the best on your path.
But... if ANY of what you have seen or read here is speaking to you -- touching you -- making you yearn for these skills and you are actually WILLING to do the work -- you are part of the rare few that will show up and do YOUR work -- THIS is your safe haven and now you KNOW IT. And when you keep reading... at the end, I'm going to give you and I an opportunity to speak privately for free. So we can connect and get a chance to see if we are a good fit to work together. A no-lose situation for you.
Skip Lackey - Life-Quake Recovery Sessions - Founder
"If what I am saying RESONATES with you.... It LOOKS LIKE -- You just might have found your direction again!
It is time to plant a FLAG in the sand and start from RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW!"
Let ME help you by starting with a Discovery & Design Session on your new Life-Quake Recovery Plan --
A comprehensive, accelerated path
to healing and wholeness with me as your personal coach:
Here is what people that I have worked with have said about me:
Who specifically are life-quake recovery sessions for?
They are designed for people that are feeling impatient, stuck, lost, depressed, confused and feel like they have hit the proverbial wall in life. People like you and me, trying to find some relief from our current situation. People that have tried traditional therapy and needed and wanted something more.
For people that realize...
"Agility, is the new stability"
Skip Lackey - Life-Quake Recovery Coaching -- Founder